Kickboxing Classes in Malad East


Originated in Japan, Kickboxing is a set of stand up physical activities which are based on kicking and punching. Loosely speaking, Kickboxing is based on the combination of karate and boxing. It is most commonly practiced for self defense, general fitness, strong and flexible muscles, improved mental and mental balance, and as a sports activity. It is surely a tough art to learn and can be fatal if not performed with extreme cautions.
To provide excellent training and self defense tactics to our valuable customers, Sweet on Fitness studio is running Best Kickboxing Classes in Malad East at a reasonable price. Our trained professionals who have mastered themselves in kickboxing and other combat sports will provide you with the most precise and effective kick boxing that will not only help you keep safe but also improve your physical as well mental fitness.
Join our Kickboxing Classes to get most reliable professional training with guaranteed results.